US and the War on Drugs – December 3

Since 2006, over 30,000 people have been disappeared in Mexico as a result of the so-called “War on Drugs”. This war is a farce, it is a way to increase repression against the people while pretending to fight against the narcos. In this war the US provides the money, the weapons, the training and even some of the troops. This is not a war on drugs and on so-called “organized crime” – it is a war on the people of Mexico. The US is the patron of this war, and the Mexican state is its accomplice. The true “organized crime” is created and maintained by the state and by corporate interests who seek to expand their control over the people, lands and resources of the Americas.

This war has displaced us and millions of others, but crossing the border did not make us free. The organized crime cartels of political parties, banks, big business and Poli-Migra continue this war here in the US. The deaths continue at the borderlands. The disappearances continue into detention centers and deportations, with over two million men, women and children migrants kidnapped by Homeland Security forces in the United States under the Obama administration. The rest of us are bribed with offers of “relief” that only increase the oppression, surveillance and enforcement against us. We are shackled into a classification system of permits and papers, of degrees of unfreedom, to keep us afraid and to keep us silent, to keep us from igniting the Mexican rebellion here in the US.

We join the resistance of the Mexican people, not by a hashtag and social networks, we join in anger. As displaced Mexicanxs we accuse the US government, the banks and corporate interests it represents, of waging a war on Mexican people on both sides of the border. We call on all oppressed communities to follow the example of struggles for liberation of historically colonized people, who are fighting to dismantle the state and the organized crime systems it maintains.

YoSoy132-Chicago * Anarko-Punks Chicago * Moratorium on Deportations Campaign
* Colectivo sin Nombre * Mexicanos Indignados * Semillas Autónomas

Comunidad Migrante Levántate! 20 de noviembre 2014

[English – click here]

La Embajada de México en Estados Unidos distribuyó un comunicado “urgente” a sus consulados, instruyendo a “minimizar el impacto” de las protestas dentro de este país que se van a dar acabo este 20 de Noviembre en solidaridad con Ayotzinapa. La historia que nos quieren vender es esta: El gobierno federal esta peleando contra el crimen y “están haciendo un gran progreso” por obtener justicia; No hay necesidad de que se levante la gente aquí en Estados Unidos, como esta sucediendo en México; Hay que mantener la calma y regresar a lo “normal”.

Nos quieren apaciguar para que sigamos obedientes. Quieren que nos traguemos su mito de “ley, orden y justicia”. Tienen miedo.

El Presidente Obama esta listo para anunciar un “alivio administrativo” para migrantes, esto es lo ultimo en el espectáculo de la prolongada farsa que criminaliza y mata a migrantes en el nombre de “seguridad nacional”. El mensaje es este: Tenemos que agradecer por las migajas que nos dan; No existe la necesidad de levantarse y organizarse; Hay que mantener la calma y regresar a lo normal.

Nos quieren apaciguar y quieren que seamos obedientes. Quieren que empecemos a creer en su mito de “democracia y alivio”. Tienen miedo.

Pero sabemos que Estados Unidos y México quieren imponer una paz social que es el equivalente a una muerte social. Esta paz social lleva por nombre “guerra contra las drogas”. Los Estados Unidos es el patrón de esta guerra, y el Estado Nacional Mexicano es su cómplice. Esto no se trata de pelear contra el Narco o crimen organizado – es una manera de gobernar a través de la muerte, desapariciones y terror; a no gobernar en el interés del pueblo, si no que a gobernar por los intereses del capitalismo.

En nombre de la “lucha contra el crimen”, el Estado y sus fronteras son máquinas de guerra. Es una guerra contra los pueblos indígenas y campesinxs, una guerra contra los pobres. Más de 30,000 personas han desaparecido en México desde que la “guerra contra las drogas” fue impuesta por Estados Unidos al inició en 2005. Esta guerra no es sólo contra los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa, si no que es contra la conciencia que representan. El estado desaparece a quienes se arman en defensa propia contra los narcos y la ocupación de estado. El estado desaparece a Yaquis que luchan en defensa de sus aguas ancestrales y por el derecho a existir. El estado desaparece a defensores de tierras contra compañías de extracción de recursos naturales, y todxs quienes se niegan a consentir su propia destrucción. El estado desaparece a mujeres que desplaza rumbo a las maquiladoras. El estado desaparece a quienes se interponen en el camino de la reestructuración neoliberal de la vida, lxs que crean autonomía y amenazan los intereses de las corporaciones multinacionales. El estado desaparece migrantes a través de sus jornadas de terror, desde América Central hasta las tierras fronterizas de Estados Unidos. El estado desaparece a pueblos de color en cárceles, en fronteras, en cementerios, en la muerte en vida de la servidumbre y la asimilación. El estado nos desaparece en el silencio y la obediencia.

En los asesinatos y desapariciones, el Estado es el autor y ejecutor al servicio del capital.

¡A través de todo México la gente se levanta contra el terror del Estado y contra los intereses capitalistas que representan. Estar en solidaridad significa el levantarse en conjunto con todxs ellxs!

YoSoy132-Chicago * Anarko-Punks Chicago * Moratorium on Deportations Campaign
* Colectivo sin Nombre * Mexicanos Indignados * Semillas Autónomas

Fue El Estado – October 27

Para Español Aga Click Aqui
Protest at the Mexican Consulate – 204 S Ashland Ave, Chicago
October 27, 2014, 4:00 PM

They want us to believe that organized crime and “corrupt public officials” are responsible for the disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa. 22 local police were arrested, cartel members were captured and now the only missing link is the political figures who are on the run. The message is this: the state is solving the crisis. Each new phase is supposed to reassure us that the government’s investigation is progressing, those guilty will be found and punished with the full force of the law. In the name of this justice, the local population is terrorized: massive militarization, home invasions, arbitrary detentions. Iguala is under siege.

We know much of the evidence used to arrest the cops is fake. We know that some heads will roll to pacify us and return to “normal”. Behind the scenes, the Narcostate is experimenting: the game of power stays the same, while some of the players are changing. And the spectacle of producing the guilty is designed to hide the fact that the state itself has orchestrated the crisis. The investigation is a smokescreen.

It is the state that disappears in a war against indigenous peoples and campesin@s, against all those who rebel and all who are made disposable by the logic of profit. It is the state that governs through disappearance, terror and death. 
In this war the rural school model keeps alive a form of existence and autonomy that is a form of rebellion. In this war the state wants to disappear not just the students, but the consciousness they represent. But this is not new, and it is not only 43 normalistas, more than 24,000 people have been disappeared since 2005. The state disappears Nestora Salgado and José Manuel Mireles, those who arm themselves in self-defense against the narcos and government occupation. The state disappears Yaqui tribe spokespersons Mario Luna and Fernando Jimenéz for fighting in defense of ancestral waters and the right to exist. The state disappears those defending the lands from resource extraction, those who refuse to acquiesce to their own destruction. The state disappears all who stand in the way of the neoliberal restructuring of life, those who create autonomy and threaten the interests of multinational corporations. The state disappears migrants across journeys of terror, from Central America to the US Borderlands. The state disappears the women it has displaced to the maquilas. The state disappears people into prisons, into borders, into graveyards, into warehouses, into the living death of servitude and assimilation.

In the massacres and disappearances, the state is the author and executor at the service of capital. The US is the patron of this war, and the Mexican state is its accomplice.

Join us on Monday October 27 at the Mexican Consulate in Chicago. We do not come here to deliver a letter or to dialogue with the representatives of power. We don’t come asking for your justice or for your compassion. We come to put you on trial.