All out Against Line 3 – Camp Makwa calling for solidarity

Monday, December 11, 10:30 AM
Black Bear Casino Resort Parking Lot – Carlton, MN

Monday, December 11th join us in bringing awareness to the illegal pipe storage yards that Enbridge Energy in currently stocking with oil pipes for Line 3. We’ll be holding a public rally with art, speakers, banners and direct action; location TBA. 

Enbridge sneakily steamrolling this pipeline through is an act of violence towards indigenous and local communities that have to live with these pipes in our front yards, knowing the threat it poses to our freshwater lakes, wetlands, wild rice beds and our way of life.

Please show up and help us fight environmental racism – let’s make this the biggest rally against Line 3 yet!
Meet on Monday morning, December 11th at 10:30AM at the Black Bear Casino Parking Lot in Carlton, MN

Rides leaving from Minneapolis at 8am and day before
-contact 612-504-0616

Rides leaving from Duluth at 9:45am
-contact 218-409-9451

Rides leaving from White Earth day before
-contact 724-205-0511

Enbridge Energy has paid over 300 million dollars for all of the pipe that would be used for the Minnesota section of Line 3 pipeline and has already placed 60% of that pipe in 11 storage pipe yards across Minnesota. The rest of the pipe is coming in by rail and truck as we speak. 

Permits for these storage yards are illegal and invalid. The permits are invalid because the MPCA’s Construction Stormwater General Permit, under which these pipe yards were authorized, requires all environmental review for the project to be completed before issuance. Also, the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) prohibits the issuance of any permits for new projects before the state’s environmental review is complete and deemed adequate. 

The state is allowing Enbridge Energy to illegally prepare for the construction of the Line 3 expansion pipeline and they need to be held accountable. 

We demand that Enbridge demonstrate their support for a fair review process by acknowledging their non-compliance with MEPA and the CSW General Permit application prerequisites, terminating all relevant CSW permits, and removing their pipes from state boundaries. Otherwise, the MPCA should vacate the CSW permits and require Enbridge to remove their pipes from state boundaries.

We vow to take action and hold Enbridge Energy accountable for their illegally permitted storage yards. We stand in solidarity with and will show up to support the indigenous led frontline resistance against Line 3. 

*Evidence & More Information:

Support Indigenous Frontline Resistance Against Embridge

A gathering to support Makwa Camp, indigenous frontline resistance against Enbridge Line 3! Cash and supply donations are needed!

Sunday, Nov. 19  2-8 PM
Art O Parts, 1721 W18th St, Chicago

“We are an Anishinaabe led group of water protectors dedicated to shutting down the construction of the Line 3 pipeline using non-violent direct action. Stand with us to protect our sacred land and waters.”
#StopLine3 #WaterIsLife #WildRiceIsLife

Space is open 2-8 PM to receive supplies.
2-5 PM – artmaking and community banner to send to Makwa Camp ** we provide the art supplies !!!!!
5-7 PM – food + reportback: what is Line 3 and how are people resisting?
7-8 PM – open mic: connecting struggles for land and water here in Chicago to Minnesota, Mexico and beyond.

Food, music, report-back from the Camp, artmaking, open mic and fundraiser. All funds will be used to gather and take supplies from Chicago to camp Makwa! Please bring cash or bring any of the supplies from the list below. ALSO IF YOU HAVE A PICKUP THAT CAN BE USED FOR A SUPPLY RUN OVER THE NEXT FEW WEEKS IT IS VERY MUCH NEEDED!

Head Lamps & Batteries & LANTERNS
Go Zero Solar Panels With Battery Packs
Gas Cards
Wind Turbine with Battery Packs
Wifi Hotspot with Unlimited Data or Data Cards
Sorrell or Muck Arctic Ice boots Women & Mens Sizes 8,9,10,11,12,13,14
Winter Beanies and Gloves
Thermal Clothes +Underwear
Carhart Overalls/Onesies (Padded for Winter)
Wool Socks & Wool Lining
Teton -30 sleeping bags
Canvases (For covering/building structures)
Tarps (For covering/building structures)
Warm sleeping pads
Burner Phones
Trail/Game cameras for Security
Silkscreen/ Black T-Shirts (A Stable T-Shirt Supplyer)
Synthetic fiber underlayment insulation
Menards/Walmart Gift Cards
Wool Blankets
Construction Lumber (2X4s)
Cobra or GoPro Cameras
Tire Chains
275 gallon square water tank
3 inch Drop hitch
2 inch trailer ball
Makita and Dewalt batteries
Wind Turbine
Go Zero Solar Generator
Makita Drill and Driver
SD Cards 180gb
Bao Feng Radios
Uniden BCD325P2 Handheld TrunkTracker V Scanner (police scanner)
Dry Shampoo
Water Proof Gloves
Rugs and tarps for flooring
Hay Bails
Sand Bags
Scrubba Washbag
Big Plastic Bins for Storage
Plough and Truck

For more info see  – contact us if you want to coordinate

If you can’t come but want to donate directly go to



Solidarity with compañerxs facing trial for denouncing racist police violence

On December 12, 2015 , a march was held in Little Village/Lawndale neighborhoods of Chicago, in which community members expressed their opposition to police violence against Black, Brown and Indigenous communities. Participants also denounced the so-called “Latino political leadership” as selling out their communities and being accomplices in systemic, anti-Black and anti-Indigenous sate violence.

Dozens of police officers surrounded and attacked participants. Several people were injured, and three were arrested. They will be standing trial tomorrow September 15, 2016. Since the arrests, the Chicago Police Department and alderman George Cardenas have flooded the media with false and alarmist narratives to justify the violence used against protesters. Alderman Cardenas has given many interviews which the media reported as an official narrative, even though the alderman was not present at the time and has no first-hand knowledge of the events.

We denounce the tactics used by the police, media and local politicos to repress dissent. We denounce the police attack against protesters as well as the subsequent campaign of disinformation that seeks to criminalize and demonize community members. This case is one of many in which people are targeted, harassed and intimidated for exposing and opposing state violence. We ask members of the Chicago activist community to continue standing with those who are facing charges as a result of their political expression.

Trial information:
September 15, 2016
555 W Harrison, Room 303
Chicago IL

In solidarity
Semillas Autónomas


Insurgent Diasporas – Diásporas insurgentes

Chicago Freedom School, 720 S Michigan Ave
June 18, 2016; 1-4pm

[español abajo]

Diaspora refers to a people who are dispersed across national boundaries, but said to be connected through a common place of origin, a “home country.” How is this connection constructed, reproduced, ruptured, experienced and expressed? Diaspora can become a space for assimilation or a space for autonomy. Diaspora can take on a nationalistic character, but it can also become a tool for building communities beyond, between and against nation states.

What kinds of diasporas can address experiences of refugees, ethnic cleansing, homelessness, deportation, slavery, and ghettoization? Instead of the nostalgic or nationalist diaspora, can we strive toward insurgent diasporas that oppose state violence across borders? Instead of assimilating as good citizens, who are productive for capitalism and white supremacy, can we build criminal affinities and communities of dissent?

Join Gender JUST, Semillas Autónomas, and the Center for Jewish Nonviolence (CJNV) for a participatory conversation about our most vulnerable displacements and how they can create space for solidarity, affinity, and resistance beyond borders.

Free event in English/Spanish. Light refreshments provided. Children warmly welcomed (art supplies will be set aside).

Members of Semillas Autónomas will describe their efforts to develop cross-border solidarity with indigenous uprisings in Mexico, especially struggles for political self-determination that include armed community self-defense in Olinala Guerrero. Members of the CJNV will describe their efforts to escalate joint struggle with Palestinians resisting evictions, demolitions, land theft, army closures, settler attacks, and occupation in Hebron and the South Hebron Hills. All will discuss what it means to organize transnational movements for justice today.

Diáspora se refiere a personas dispersadas a través de fronteras nacionales, pero conectadas a través de un espacio de origen común, un “país de origen. ¿Cómo se construye, reproduce, rompe, vive y expresa esta conexión? Diáspora puede convertirse en un espacio para la asimilación o un espacio de autonomía. Diáspora puede asumir un carácter nacionalista, pero también puede convertirse en una herramienta para la construcción de comunidades más allá, entre y contra los estados.

¿Qué tipos de diásporas pueden hacer frente a las experiencias de los refugiadxs, la limpieza étnica, la falta de vivienda, las deportaciones, esclavitud, y la creación de barriadas? ¿En lugar de diásporas nostálgicas o nacionalistas, podemos aspirar a diásporas insurgentes que se oponen a la violencia a través de fronteras? ¿En lugar de asimilar como buenos ciudadanos, que son productivas para el capitalismo y la supremacía blanca, podemos construir afinidades criminales y las comunidades en desacuerdo?

Únete a Gender JUST, Semillas Autónomas, y el Centro No Violencia Judía (CJNV) para una conversación participativa sobre nuestros desplazamientos más vulnerables y cómo se puede crear un espacio para la solidaridad, la afinidad y resistencia más allá de las fronteras.

El evento será en Inglés/Español. Refrescos disponibles. Niñxs son bienvenidxs (Se darán materiales de arte). Más información debajo/ a continuación!

Los miembros de Semillas Autónomas describirán sus esfuerzos para desarrollar la solidaridad transfronteriza con las insurrecciones indígenas en México, sobre todo las luchas por la autodeterminación política que incluye las policias comunitarias de Olinalá Guerrero. Los miembros del CJNV describirán sus esfuerzos para escalar lucha conjunta con los palestinos resistiendo los desalojos, demoliciones, el robo de tierras, cierres del ejército, ataques de los colonos, y la ocupación en Hebron y las colinas del sur de Hebrón. Todxs discutiremos lo que significa organizar los movimientos transnacionales de la justicia en la actualidad.

Boicot Driscoll’s

En solidaridad con las luchas de lxs campesinxos en ambos lados de la frontera. 

Toma acción en tus tiendas locales. Exige que tu tienda se una al boicot y se niegue a comprar y vender productos de Driscoll’s. Localiza otros objetivos – centros de distribución, los anunciantes o eventos locales patrocinados por Driscoll’s – interrumpe, informa, comparte, agita! Utiliza esta página para publicar noticias de tus acciones y compartir materiales!

Acción – Pete’s Market, 2526 W Cermak, Chicago – Martes 5 de abril ,  5PM

Las actividades por #boycottdriscolls nos toma de sorpresa localmente ya que San Quintin nos visita: Gloria Gracida *una de las voceras de la Alianza de jornalerxs* y Al Rojas estarán participando con nosotrxs.

¿Por qué el Boicot contra Driscoll’s?
Nuestrxs compañerxs que trabajan en los campos de la exportación agrícola en San Quintín, Baja California están luchando contra las empresas que los explotan. 20,000 trabajadores – en su mayoría indígenas, al igual que mujeres y niños – se están levantando y exigiendo el fin de las condiciones de vida y trabajo infrahumanas; y están exponiendo el costo real de los alimentos que consumimos aquí en Chicago.

La compañía Driscoll’s es una de las mas grades distribuidoras de fresas de todo el mundo y también es una de las primeras en la lista de producción de productos agrícolas con el uso de condiciones laborales infrahumanas.

Driscoll’s usa una imagen corporativa de compromiso y “responsabilidad ante la sociedad” para enmascarar prácticas neocoloniales de explotación. Se basan en la policía y violencia estatal en ambos lados de la frontera para reprimir violentamente a los campesinxs. Se basan en los gobiernos y los acuerdos de comercio transnacionales para cercar a las personas que trabajan en el campo en condiciones de cautiverio y para normalizar la violencia del medio ambiente. Se basan en nosotros para comprar las frutas cosechadas con el trabajo de esclavitud.

Lxs campesinxs están resistiendo y han llamado a un boicot de todos los productos de la compañía Driscoll’s hasta que se cumplan sus demandas!

– El respeto de los derechos básicos de los trabajadores como lo garantiza la ley
– Acceso a al sistema de salud, el agua y condiciones de vida decentes, libre de todo abuso físico y sexual como condición de trabajo
– Fin al robo de sueldo y a la obligación de horas extras, fin al abuso del trabajo infantil
– Salarios justos y equitativos y absolutamente ninguna represión contra los trabajadorxs que participan directa o indirectamente en la articulación de esas demandas

Semillas Autónomas hace el llamado a individuos y grupos en Chicago y en todas partes del país a respetar el boicot contra Driscoll’s.

Únete y participa empezando este Martes 5 de abril con una acción donde estaremos visitando vendedores y tiendas locales para informar sobre el boicot y demandar acción inmediata por medio de los locales que venden estos productos. Organiza tu propia visita a tu tienda local, organízate con tus cuates, familiares, vecinxs y toma acción.

Para más información:


Libertad para Nestora / Free Nestora !

January 30, 6PM @ Swamptepec, Xicago

para la direccion contacte a: eastandsouth [at] ; for address contact  eastandsouth [at]

——————ENGLISH BELOW—————————————–

Nestora Salgado es una luchadora social indigena y presa politica encarcelada en Mexico. Cuando inmigro de Guerrero, Mexico, a los Estados Unidos Nestora se hizo ciudadana naturalizada, pero continuo a desafiar la presion de assimilarse al ‘Sueño Americano’ y en vez regreso a Guerrero donde se une a la lucha para la auto-defensa y liberacion de su pueblo natal. Como Comandanta de la policia comunitaria en Olinalá, se enfrento con los narcotraficantes, empresas mineras transnacionales, y la violencia estatal patrocinada por los Estados Unidos y ejercida atravéz del pretexto de la “Guerra Contra el Narcotrafico”. Su resistencia a la represión estatal es parte de un continuo mas amplio de la lucha de los pueblos indigenas y afro-descendientes para la auto-defensa y autogestion. En particular, la CRAC (Coordinadora Regional de Autoridades Comunitarias) originando en la Costa Chica de Guerrero, ha vinculado las luchas de auto-defensa de las communidades indigenas y afro-mexicanas. Actualmente la Comandanta Nestora y 13 otrxs luchadorxs de la CRAC en Olinalá estan encarcelados. Acompañanos en una platica y discusión sobre como se puede apoyar a Nestora y a otrxs presxs politicxs, y para explorar como su caso desafía el narrativo dominante de la politica Mexico/E.E.U.U. y sobre porque el marco teórico de la ‘ciudadania’ ha sido insuficiente para lograr su liberacion.

Evento gratuito / Ingles/Español / comida de cooperación
Niños bienvenidos / sitio lamentablemente no es accesible a usuarios de sillas de ruedas

para la direccion contacte a: semillasautonomas at gmail dot com


Nestora Salgado is an indigenous freedom fighter and political prisoner in Mexico. She immigrated to the US from Guerrero, Mexico — even though she became a naturalized US citizen, she defied the pressures to assimilate into the “American Dream” and instead returned to Guerrero to join her people’s armed struggle for liberation . As a Comandanta in a community self-defense force, Nestora confronted the narcotraffickers, transnational mining companies as well the state violence unleashed in Mexico under the guise of the US-backed “War on Drugs”. Her resistance to state repression is part of a larger continuum of African and Indigenous people’s struggles for self determination. Specifically, the CRAC (Regional Coordinating Committee of Community Authorities) emerged along the coast of Guerrero (Costa Chica) as a struggle for self-defense linking Afro-Mexican and Indigenous communities. Comandanta Nestora is one among 13 other political prisoners from the CRAC. Join us to talk about how to support Nestora and the other fighters, to explore how her case challenges dominant narratives iof US and Mexican politics, and why the framework of citizenship has been insufficient as a way to win her liberation.

Free event, Spanish/English. Potluck, bring whatever you can to share. Kids warmly welcome. Sadly this space is not wheelchair accessible.

for address email : eastandsouth [at]

Ayotzinapa: The Reform of the Normales (Education Reform)

By Prensa Ayotzi

To understand what is happening in Ayotzinapa one needs to understand the Mexican Education System, which is not yet as privatized and standardized as the U.S. There are free schools and Universities, that claim autonomy from the Government, where the fees are very low or even sliding scale like at the ENAH, the Anthropology and History University, one can pay 50 cents to 5000 pesos a semester. Very different to the Student Loan capital that is the U.S.
The Normal Schools of Mexico were born from the Mexican Revolution. One of the demands of the farmer/workers was Free Popular Education. Later, came the creation of the FECSM, The Federation of Campesino Socialists Students of Mexico, which formed as a student body that protected the students from the injustices that are commited by the Directors and Teachers of Institutions like the SEP ( Secretary of Public Education).  The Normal Schools are particularly to train students to become primary school teachers in rural ¨impoverished¨ areas.  Most of the students themselves are from the farmer/worker class. A ¨Maestro¨ in Mexico is a teacher who is trained not only in primary education, but also receives a political and social formation through a socialist lens. So a ¨Maestro¨ is not just a simple teacher but a political position that is often against the State because of the repression of the people for interests of Capitalism. Below you will read the article written by the Ayotzinapa Students on the Education Reform that intends to disappear the Normal Schools.

Ayotzinapa cradle of social consciousness. To eradicate Normalista education is one of the main objectives of Peña Nieto’s government. The imposition of the Reform of the Normal School means completely tearing down the whole project of literacy and culture that arose after the armed struggle of the Mexican Revolution. Now it´s not about meeting the need for knowledge of the people, but following the measures and standards that the international agencies decree to perpetuate their power.

Since years ago, the decommissioning of “maestro” training schools has been brewing, through the encouragement of private institutions, and along with it, budget cuts and tuition at public colleges. This imposes competition and obvious inequalites with clear advantages for the private sector (subjugated in advance to what the rulers say).

The Normales will no longer provide teacher training to future maestros, but provide only simple “professional” abilities, lacking educational training support …

The Comprehensive Plan of Diagnostic, Redisign, and Strengthening of the Normal Schools covers four areas:

– Form “suitable” teachers.

“To guarantee the adequacy of knowledge and ability to new entrants to Teacher Professional Service …” stipulated in the reform. We know beforehand, that the students of normal schools are not “suitable” or rather, compatible with the educational system: its [the Normales] formation includes their historical role as a participant and organizer of social transformation through knowledge, and it is precisely what their efforts intend to eradicate and replace, forming a simple facilitator of basic information. Continue reading

Ayotzinapa: La Reforma a las Normales (Reforma Educativa)

medioslibres 29 noviembre, 2015 Análisis, Educación, Ayotzinapa

Por Prensa Ayotzi

Ayotzinapa cuna de la conciencia socialErradicar la educación normalista es uno de los principales objetivos del gobierno de Peña Nieto. La imposición de la Reforma a las Escuelas Normales, significa echar abajo por completo el proyecto de alfabetización y cultura que surgió luego de la lucha armada de la revolución mexicana. Ya no se trata de atender la necesidad de conocimientos de los pueblos, sino adecuarse a las medidas y estándares que decretan los organismos internacionales para perpetuar su poder.

Desde años atrás, se ha estado fraguando el cierre definitivo de las escuelas formadoras de maestros, por medio del estímulo a las instituciones privadas, y por otro lado, el recorte presupuestal y de matrícula a las escuelas normales públicas, se impone la competencia en planos desiguales con clara ventaja para el sector privado (subyugado de antemano a lo que digan los gobernantes).

Las normales ya no brindaran formación pedagógica a los futuros maestros, solo brindaran simples capacitaciones carentes de sustento educativo… Continue reading

Black and Brown People Rise Up!

black_and_brown_spanishSaturday December 12, 2015 @5PM
Begin in La Villita – 26th & Troy

[español abajo]

¡Black & Brown People Rise Up!

We will meet at the La Villita Arch on 26th and Troy. We will gather here and harness our spiritual energy for protection, for a collective transformation before taking the streets of the West Side. We will acknowledge that we exist and struggle on Indigenous lands. 26th Street is second only to Michigan Avenue in terms of economic power. But the economic signficance of 26th Street isn’t measured in Louis Vuitton bags. This is an important street for US-Mexico Narcocapitalist relations. In our homelands and here in Chicago, state violence is directed against Black and Brown communities. In Mexico, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed and disappeared because of the U$-imposed “War on Drug Cartels”. Here in Chicago, the police occupation of our communities is normalized because of the ongoing “War on Drugs”.

We ask our Brown communities in #LaVillita #Pilsen #LittleGuerrero #Cicero #BackoftheYards #BrigthonPark #HumboldtPark and beyond to organize in the streets and stand shoulder to shoulder with our Black Compañerxs. Our struggles for liberation are connected across the “Americas”. The silence must end in our Brown communties. We must clarify that the “Hispanic / Latino” political leadership of Chicago does not represent us — they police us, they sell us out, they try to control and extinguish our struggles for liberation.

We are not Anita “Serial Killer Accomplice” Alvarez. We are not killer cop George Hernandez. We are not Chuy “1,000 More Cops” Garcia. We are not Danny “Gentrification Champion” Solis. We are not Luis “Border Militarization” Gutierrez. We are not Carlos “We Call The Cops” Ramirez-Rosa.

White supremacy has launched a war against Black & Brown people that began many centuries ago. It is a war of occupation & extermination. It is a war of deliberate killing and economic deprivation. It is a war waged by the $tate and all of those who uphold its control over our everyday lives. It is the $tate that disappears us to enforce the interests of the capitalist elites and the narco-cartels. It is the $tate that kills us in the streets to reinforce the rule of white supremacy. It is the $tate that makes our lives meaningless and keeps us poor and dependent on their hussels in order to survive. This is a war against Black People that began when the first Africans were enslaved and kidnapped from their Motherland. This war began when White Settlers began exterminating the Indigenous people of this continent. This is the same war that murders Black & Brown People in the streets of Chicago. It is the same war that pushes Indigenous people off their lands across the continent. It is the same war that disappears Black and Brown people into prisons, into “family friendly immigrant detention centers” and torture chambers like Homan Square.

All across the Americas, struggles for liberation are spreading—Their Border$ and their Pri$ons cannot stop us.

#BlackandBrownLiberation #AyotzinapaChicago #16shots #SayHerName #BBChi #DismantlePoliceDepartments #DismantleBorders #DismantlePolice #FueElEstado #ItWasTheState #SelfDefense
¡El Pueblo Negro y Moreno Se Levanta!

Nos reuniremos en el Arco de La Villita en las Calles 26 y Troy. Nos reuniremos aquí y fortificar nuestra energía espiritual para protejernos, para una transformación colectiva antes de tomar las calles del barrio. Vamos a reconocer que existimos y luchamos en terrenos Inidgenas. La Calle 26 la hace segunda a la Avenida Michigan en términos de poder económico. Pero el poder económico de la Calle 26 no se mide en bolsas Louis Vuitton. Se trata de una calle importante para las relaciones Narcocapitalistas entre los Gobiernos de los Estados Unidos y México. En nuestros países de origen y aquí en Chicago, la violencia estatal se dirige contra las comunidades negras y morenas. En México, cientos de miles de personas han muerto y han sido desaparecidxs a causa de la “Guerra Contra Los Carteles”- una guerra impuesta y patrocinada por el Gobierno Estadounidense. Aquí en Chicago, la ocupación policial de nuestras comunidades se normaliza debido a la “guerra contra las drogas”.

Pedimos a nuestras comunidades Indigenas-Mexicanas y Centroamericanas en #LaVillita #Pilsen #LittleGuerrero #Cicero #BackoftheYards #BrigthonPark #HumboldtPark y en todos los barrios que nos organizemos y tomemos las calles, hombro a hombro con nuestros hermanos y hermanas de la comunidad negra de Chicago. Nuestras luchas por la liberación se conectan a través de las “Américas”. El silencio debe terminar en nuestros comunidades Morena. Y debemos aclarar que os lideres “Latinos / Hispanos” de Chicago no nos representan -. Al contrario, usan la policía contra nosotros, venden a nuestras comunidades y tratan de controlar y extinguir nuestras luchas por la liberación. No somos Anita Alvarez. No somos el policia asesino George Hernández. No somos Chuy “1,000 Policias Mas” García. No somos Danny Solís. No somos Luis Gutiérrez. No somos Carlos Ramírez-Rosa.

La supremacía blanca ha lanzado una guerra contra la gente negra y morena, que se inició hace muchos siglos. Es una guerra de ocupación y exterminacion. Es una guerra de homicidio y privacion económica. Es una guerra librada por el E$tado y todos aquellos que defienden su control sobre nuestra vida cotidiana. Es el E$tado que nos desaparece para imponer los intereses de las élites capitalistas y los narco-carteles. Es el E$tado que nos mata en las calles para reforzar el imperio de la supremacía blanca. Es el E$tado que hace que nuestra vidas no tengan mucho sentido, manteniendonos pobres y dependientes en sus trabajos para sobrevivir. Esta es una guerra contra el pueblo negro que comenzó cuando los primeros africanos fueron esclavizados y secuestrados de Africa. Esta guerra comenzó cuando los colonos europeos comenzaron el exterminio de los pueblos indígenas de este continente. Esta es la misma guerra que asesinas a la gente negra & morena en las calles de Chicago. Es la misma guerra que roba los terrenos de los pueblos indígenas en todo el continente. Es la misma guerra que desaparece al pueblo negro y moreno en las cárcele$, en los centros de detencion para los inmigrantes, y salas de tortura como la carcel de Homan Square.

En todo el contiente, las luchas por la liberación están extendiendo — sus fronteras y sus carcele$ no podran detenernos.

#BlackandBrownLiberation #AyotzinapaChicago #16shots #SayHerName #BBChi #DismantlePoliceDepartments #DismantleBorders #DismantlePolice #FueElEstado #ItWasTheState #Autodefensas